Monday, June 19, 2017

About not putting trust in dreams

I remember a while ago a traditional layman creating a blog (now deactivated) about his dreams in which he described his dreams of the night to his readers; and this person not only put much attention to his dreams, but even prayed to God that he may remember his dreams; and this person also testified that after this prayer, he remembered even more of his dreams, and he acted as if this was something good that happened to him rather than perhaps[*] something bad and spiritually distracting (the majority of the few dreams I read was just random happenings as dreams usually use to be, and hence made no real sense, and also seemed to have no real spiritual benefit; and whereas some had religious elements, it really did not say or teach anything special).

My thought at first was of making him aware of the below revelation from Jesus Christ concerning on how one should act concerning one's dreams, and about the inherent danger a person is exposed to by thinking too much, or putting too much trust in one's dreams, but I never took the time to do so. Now I am writing a short post about it instead.

I also think that instead of praying to God of remembering one's dreams[**], one should pray to God rather to not think of one's dreams or even not remembering them at all; 
and also that if one have to dream this night, one will dream only such dreams as are beneficial for our own or our neighbor's spiritual profitand we should especially remember to ask that we be spared from dreaming sinful, sensual and/or pornographic/fornicating dreams this night! I think the two latter points are especially important to ask of God every night, in addition to ask for the protection of the Holy Spirit in one's sleep.[***] By praying thus everyday, our bad dreams should be lessened dramatically.

[*]Does God really answer such a prayer of remembering more, or even all of our dreams that (in ordinary cases) seems highly spiritually disadvantaged to the person asking for it to be granted (since our dreams often are so nonsensical, impossible to discern the meaning of, and even lustful, in addition to being a complete waste of time to try to remember and write down)? I would say no; unless of course there is some hidden advantage in granting (or permitting) it known only to God. God can and often draws good out of evil or a lesser good, and that is also the reason for why He allows (or permits) evil to exist. -- It is also a possibility our own mind may start to remembering more of our dreams once we have been inclined to wanting or willing to remember them. But I might be wrong on this. -- The devil may also play a part in this, especially if we are inclined to look for signs or "truths" in our dreams or if we put too much attention to them, as we will see further down of how the devil can fool people with dreams.

[**]If God really gives a person a dream intendent to instruct (such as to Saint John Bosco and his frequent Dreams of Hell and Spiritual States of his Pupils), I believe it will be remembered, since such dreams often stand out and is taken note of immediately upon awakening. I am not saying it is wrong to moderately think about our dreams or considering them (without putting too much confidence, time and effort in them, of course) when they may have some spiritual meaning or purpose, but rather that if a person puts too much attention on his dreams: he is disposing himself to be deceived by the devil and to become distracted in his spiritual life; as explained further below by Jesus Christ in the Church approved heavenly revelation of St. Bridget.

[***]It is also highly important to pray The Three Hail Mary's every day/night with the added prayer of being protected by the Most Holy Virgin during the day/night from falling into mortal sin, a practise recommended by many saints. See this article below on how to pray this short but important prayer:

Jesus Christ's words to the bride about not putting trust in dreams but, rather, being wary of them, no matter how happy or sad they are, and about how the devil mixes falsehoods with truth in dreams, because of which many errors occur in the world, and about how the prophets did not err, because they truly loved God above all things.

Book 4, Chapter 38

The Son speaks: ”Why do happy dreams lift you up so much? And why do sad dreams depress you so? Did I not tell you that the devil is envious and can accomplish no more without God's permission than a piece of straw beneath your feet? I also told you that he is the father and inventor of lies and that he mixes some truth in with all his falsehoods. I tell you, accordingly, that the devil never sleeps but goes around looking for an occasion to ensnare you.

You must therefore be careful so that the devil does not deceive you, using his subtle knowledge to discover your inner states by means of your outer movements. Sometimes he induces happy moods into your heart to make you feel empty joy; at other times he gives you sad ones to make you omit in your sorrow the good deeds that you could do and to make you sad and wretched before anything sad has occurred.

Sometimes the devil also puts a great many falsehoods into the kind of deluded heart that desires worldly esteem and so deceives many people, such as false prophets. This happens to people who love other things more than God. This is why it happens that a lot of truth is found in the midst of a great many false words, for the devil could never deceive anyone if he did not mix some truth in with the falsehood, as was clear in the case of the man you saw in a seizure. Although he was confessing that there is one God, his indecent gestures and strange words showed that the devil was possessing him and dwelling in him.

Now, however, you might ask: Why do I permit the devil to lie? I answer: I have permitted and do permit this due to the sins of the people and of the priests who have wanted to know things that God did not want them to know, who desired success in areas where God saw that it was not beneficial to their salvation. Thus, it is because of sins that God permits many things to occur that would not occur if humankind had not abused grace and reason. Those prophets who longed for nothing but God and did not wish to speak God's words except for God's sake, these did not fall victims to deception but spoke and loved the words of truth.

Yet, as not all dreams should be welcomed, so not all dreams should be rejected, since God sometimes reveals good things in dreams, including the hour of their death to bad people in order that they might repent of their sins.

Sometimes he also reveals good things to good people in order that they might make greater progress toward God. So, whenever and as often as such things occur to you, do not lay them to heart but ponder them and study them with your wise spiritual friends, or else dismiss them and shut them out of your heart as if you had not seen them, because people who delight in such things are very often fooled and become disturbed. So, be firm in your faith in the Holy Trinity, love God with your whole heart, be obedient in failure as well as in success, do not think yourself better than anyone but tremble even when you do good, do not trust your own sense more than others but entrust your entire will to God, ready to do everything God wants. Then you will not need to be afraid of dreams. If they are happy dreams, do not trust or desire them without considering God's glory in them; if they are sad, do not be saddened but place yourself entirely in God's hands.”

The Mother says then: ”I am the Mother of mercy. I get the clothes ready for my daughter while she sleeps; I get food ready for my daughter while she gets dressed; I get a crown and every good reward ready for my daughter while she is working.”

Read more: The Prophecies and Revelations of St. Bridget of Sweden

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