Sunday, April 12, 2020

Q&A: “Jerome has continued his apostate, illogical rants, and you are free to read them.” My sixth response to Introibo Ad Altare Dei.

Introibo, since you delete my comments and do not show my responses to your direct comments to me, you have forced me to abridge this comment to you as much as possible in the hopes that you will approve of it and post it on your blog, with the hope that you and your readers will visit the link and read the whole response for yourself.

(The comment below is the full article.)

Introibo wrote quoting me:Answer: Neither is God any of these [omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and eternal] (except perhaps eternal and knowing the future), for a God that damns others and torments them is not perfect, is not kind, is not all powerful (such as in justice) but rather the definition of imperfection.Introibo responds: Therefore, if God is evil, we should ALL be in Hell. If God is not all-powerful, He could not create the universe and call it "good" as He did in Genesis. Hence, Jerome's "God" is not the Christian God.”

Jerome answers: To claim that God must be good because he does not damn all of us is equivalent to saying that Hitler was not evil because he did not murder all of us. But that is wrong and Hitler was evil because he did evil and did injustices to many even if not to all. The same with God. Hence your argument is false and not to the point, because God is guilty of injustices with damning many of us or even most of us, as even he claims in his bible is the truth, i.e., that most are damned: “Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and few there be who find it.” (see Matthew 7:14; cf. Luke 13:23-24).

Also, just because God created the universe does not equate to him being “good” or all “powerful” by default as even you should know, since this is not proven from anything except his own words, and when his actions so clearly contradicts this notion of all powerfulness, one cannot but dismiss this notion that he is all perfect or all powerful, because as I said, a human or divine being cannot be all powerful or perfect when he is imperfect in many ways, such as in justice. And God is clearly imperfect in his justice when he damns billions of children and grown up men and angels. Hence God's all “powerfulness” or “goodness” does not extend to his justice and love because he has almost none (at least for the damned), and therefore, the argument that God is all powerful is false. That God created us in itself does not prove anything. Actions and words prove something, and we have seen what God's actions and deeds are: eternal damnation for billions of humans, angels and souls, including the eternal damnation and separation of damned children and separated unbaptized children. These are God's fruits, and they are evil.

So God is imperfect as we all are even if he is more powerful than us since he created us. But since we are his children, who knows what we can become when we go to Heaven? What Father or mother is greater then their own son or daughter? Are we not all the same and can we not even surpass or become greater than our ancestors in justice and righteousness and mighty deeds? Certainly we can, and the same with the afterlife, because even if God is who he is and nothing can be done about that, he could still share his power with us, and make us stronger then himself through justice.

But I also believe that it is true justice and and true love who makes a human, angel or soul or even a God truly just and powerful in the next life, and that this justice and power can be created in oneself through being righteous, and that just as God have power, so do we, and since God was not perfectly just from eternity, his power is not all powerful, but only powerful, and that when someone more just and better than God comes, this person will become even more powerful than God is from the moment his eternity starts. This only makes sense since it is unjust that only one person can be the strongest if this person also is unjust because if this person is unjust, injustices could rule for all eternity and that would be unjust and unreasonable, since in Heaven justice was supposed to prevail and no more injustices occur.

Introibo wrote: “Hence, Jerome's "God" is not the Christian God.”

Jerome answers: False. Whose God between you and me is truly universal (Catholic) and Christian, if not mine? My God is the Christian Catholic God, because wherever or whoever this God is, he or she is truly just and does not damn anyone. Hence this God still not yet known to many of us, is the true and Christian God, but this false God who damns children, grown ups and angels, is not. However, even though this God who is truly just may be unknown to us, she is, in fact, not totally unknown to those who believe in her. And many in the Vatican II have started to find this God including me whom we call merciful and love and true justice, since this God does not damn anyone, but rather, seeks to forgive us.

Introibo wrote quoting me:That is why you cannot and will not answer the question as to what you would do if you were God and if you would damn people if you had the power of God, or if he lent you his power to do as you please with the damned, what would you do? Would you not forgive them and work on their betterment for all eternity then instead of damning them I asked repeatedly? You never responded. Never!Introibo responded: “Here is my answer. I cannot know the INFINITE MIND of GOD. "For My thoughts are not thy thoughts, neither are thy ways My ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than thy ways and My thoughts than thy thoughts." (Isaiah 55: 8-9). "How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out. Who hath known the mind of the Lord?" (Romans 11:13-14). If I were God, I WOULD DO THE SAME AS HE BECAUSE HE KNOWS EVERYTHING, KNOWS WHAT IS BEST, AND CAN CARRY IT OUT. People are only lost THROUGH THEIR OWN FAULT. THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF REHABILITATION AFTER DEATH. Since this ordering of the world is the best, then I WOULD DO THE SAME, since this is the result of an all GOOD, all Loving God. THERE IS THE ANSWER FROM ME.”

Jerome answers: So you finally answered the question, but your answer was not what I was expecting to hear from you, and your answer in fact saddens me a lot, because what you are saying essentially is this: If I were God I would also damn children, grown ups, angels and souls to torments so unmerciful that one would wish to have never existed, and where they will live in a fire like fish in water, and where the torments will be so great that one would die immediately upon even beholding them, and where they will never feel the feelings of hope, love, friendship or happiness ever again, and where they will be sawn asunder in two while still alive etc., and eaten alive and mangled to dust all while still living etc... All of this, and even worse, you would let befall upon children, grown ups, angels and souls you say, only because God did it! This must be the most stupid and evil arguments I have ever heard from someone like you who is a lawyer and who is supposed to defend and protect people and do them good!, for what you say is no different from a German who would have said: Hitler murdered Jews and children in concentration camps, and because I believe and trust in him, I would do the same. I believe his actions where the better for mankind, and therefore, I would follow him.

Do you know what the problem with this person and yourself is, Introibo. That is that both of you have lost faith in hope and goodness, for if you had any hope, you would have chosen to believe in and hope in goodness instead and that they (the damned) can be converted and can become good, and not believe in murder and eternal evil and hatred for our fellow brothers and sisters, or that there is no hope for them. Even if God have lost hope in the damned, this does not mean you would have to do the same. That is the difference with you and me and God, for I will never loose hope, so help me God and Mary, but God lost hope, and hence he have given up on them, and so have you, you blind fool and murderer. But I will never do this, so help me God and Mary!

But your answer was also unjust, you murderer, because there was no justice in it, because you certainly know better, and that you would do better for them than God does. But if you would object that you do not know better, then I would say you are lying, because you certainly know that we are not to treat others such as our enemies evil, you murderer.


Jerome answers: How many time must I answer this argument? I have repeatedly said that I do not believe this is the case, because humans while living had love and goodness in them, and also most of them are willing to be rehabilitated on earth. Hence if humans while in a human body are willing to do these things and also do love others, why would a spirit never want to do this, as God claims? This sounds impossible to me, and also unfair, because if spirits are so obstinate in choosing evil, it is unfair to judge a human separated from his body, for if a human have a body, there is always hope for him, since humans do convert and become better all the time. But I also believe spirits can be converted, however obstinate they be, because as I have said, I believe in hope and will never loose faith in hope or in others goodness and conversion, and therefore, I will always work on that evil people may be converted. In heaven, I will not be lazy, but I will always do everything I can, help me God and Mary, that souls, humans, and spirits may be converted, and I will never loose hope that this is possible, because when hope is lost, all is lost.

Introibo wrote quoting me:But being made in God's likeness means, rather, I would say, that we can share in and take parts of God's glory and power. Hence, God could actually make someone else more powerful then himself by giving his power to him, and even if God could take it back, if God is just and this person deserves this power more, this means God will not do it, since God is undeserving of it.Introibo responds: “If you have exactly one million dollars, how can you give someone MORE than a million dollars? His position is self-refuting. Further, He denies the Christian God and even (approvingly) quotes Bergoglio: “And I believe in God. Not in a catholic God; a catholic God does not exist; God exists.”

Jerome answers: No, my position is not self-refuting. As one example demonstrating this shows: How could the government give you more money then one million dollar, if it only had one million dollar? Answer: by printing more money! Hence, God could create more power, and give more power, but if God is just, he won't give this power to himself but to the person deserving of it, hence the surplus power would be given to someone else, and not to himself.

And yes, I agree with the Bergoglio quote and my explanation of it: “And I believe in God. Not in a catholic God; a catholic God does not exist; God exists.” I wrote: “I believe Pope Francis point was [to say] that God exists, but not a God that desires others evil or that is not truly universal. That is why, in my belief, Francis made this distinction, and I agree with him. However, I would say I believe in the “Catholic God” (wherever [or whoever] he or she is), because I believe in Universality, but I do not exactly believe in “God” or the “Catholic God” strictly, because when God has such problems to be truly Universal, then he cannot be a “Catholic God”, because “Catholic” means “Universal”. And that is why the only God to me is this God who is truly Universal.”

Introibo wrote quoting me:ALSO, IF GOD CHANGED POSITION ON HELL, SO WOULD YOU. SO THE ARGUMENT THAT HELL IS “JUST” FALLS FLAT WITH THIS ARGUMENT ALONE.Introibo responds: God CANNOT change. Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." God is perfection. He IS JUSTICE. HE IS MERCY. HE IS EVERYTHING GOOD AND KNOWS ALL. Therefore, He cannot "change His mind" since He already KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FROM ALL ETERNITY. Theft is unjust, God is just. Therefore, theft is wrong. The Ten Commandments aren't right because God commanded them, rather they were commanded BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD AND REFLECT THE ALL JUST GOD.”

Jerome answers: You did not exactly answer my argument, and the argument continued thus: “God could not change position on murder or rape, for example, for that would be evil and even you would condemn God if he did that, but with Hell, it is different, for Hell is not a good or just doctrine in itself, but is actually evil; and that is why if God changed position on Hell and this was proven to you, you too would immediately change position – you blind, unjust and evil person!” So the argument stands, my friend, for if God did change position and this was proven to you, so would you change position, hence that this is a good argument and proves the point, i.e., that Hell is evil! (If you don't agree, why don't you say that you would change or not change position if God changed position? Then at least you make your position clear to us, instead of just hiding behind the evil argument that “God does not change”.) Or are you going to argue with God about Hell, think you -- if God now desires to forgive the damned -- and say in his face that they must not be forgiven, and always tormented, and that your will is this? I hope you would not do this, because if you did, such a an evil deed would be incredible dark and evil and heretical.

Concerning the argument that “God change not”, this is what I wrote in response in my fourth response to you: “But God can change, and whether or not you believe he will, is another question, but if you don't believe in this, then tragically you must believe in an unjust God that also is obstinate with being unjust. So which position is better? Mine of course, i.e., that God was wrong, admitted to being wrong, and changed!” (

With your position God would not only be obstinate in evil, but also unrepentant and unwilling, and this is evil. But with my position which is the true position since it is humility and entails justice, even a God can be wrong and hence can change for the better, for whenever one has found out that one was wrong on something, it is only natural to change if one is but just and honest. And if you are but humble, you can understand that this applies with God as much as with man, for if God ever was wrong on something (which he in fact is with his Hell) then it is only natural for him to change. To not change when one is wrong would actually be evil, and if God did not change, this would only mean that he was even more imperfect and evil, for being obstinate in evil is the worst crime there is since then there is not even repentance or anything of the kind. Obstinacy in evil is darkness, and God is light, right? Hence, God must change, and already have.

Introibo wrote quoting me:You also ask how God is evil yet there is no Hell? Do you want to know why? That is because, if you want to believe this, God removed Hell and Limbo because I demanded and commanded him to do so, since I battled with God every day and still do for the salvation of all the angels, humans and souls, and all other living and non-living creatures, such as animals and even stones and trees! Hence, God told me finally that there will be no Hell, and that I was right in my thinking, and he also said that this was just as test in order to see who among his children wanted to be truly just, and who would not want this. But since I cannot be certain of that this is the case, and since I talk with many spirits, I have also heard this: that it was not a test, and that God was wrong in creating Hell, but that he did not change his position, apparently, until I condemned him and debated with him so much so that he was forced to change position, because when my justice and my thoughts was so good and noble, how could God resist me? He could not, hence he changed and humbled himself.Introibo responds: “Jerome is therefore mentally disturbed or in communication with demons. That's where his un-Christian, illogical and evil doctrines come. I will not bother with this man who needs psychological help, an exorcism perhaps, or maybe both.”

Jerome answers: I find it tragic that you called me and my position evil and illogical, because doing good to others certainly is not an evil position or illogical you blind person, and I do desire them good, as you know, and I do wish and fight for that they should be saved and not damned! But to the contrary, it is understandable if I call you and your God and your position evil and illogical, since your position actually does eternal harm and evil for our beloved damned brothers and sisters that all can love if only given the chance – since you advocate and defend unmercifully tormenting them in ETERNAL torments worse than any Concentration Camp – you blind, hypocritical fool!

Also, I don't know if I talk to demons, but I do talk with God, the Virgin Mary, St. Gemma, St. Theresa, St. Rosa of Lima and many others, and provided I desire to talk with someone, I will hear their voice and I can talk with them, but if I talk to demons, I don't know, but even if I do, I would consider them my friends.

Introibo wrote: “After publishing all six of his comments, I saw all Jerome did was reproduce his insanity from his blog and post it here. The comments are not for reproducing other blog posts. Go to his website and read it in full if you want.”

Jerome answers: What do you expect me to do, write two different articles just in order to please you? If you had any honesty and if this was according to your rules, you would allow my posts to stay, but since it does not seem you are so inclined to debate with me, you delete my posts; and you did not even put up a link to my response of your comments to me so the readers will have no way of knowing my answers to you, unless they read all my articles or even visits my blog (which is not even certain).

Here is a link to all my previous responses to Introibo:

First response:

Second response:

Third response:

Fourth response:

Fifth response:

Sixth response:

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Q&A: Is “God is omniscient, omnipotent, omni-benevolent”? Is my own written words condemning me? My fifth response to Introibo Ad Altare Dei.

This is my response to Introibo's most recent comment to me, in which he again avoided my questions and also, he did not post my comments in his blog even though he claims not to be afraid of a challenge.

1. Introibo, you did not answer any of my questions once again. This is the fourth time you ignored all my questions. And we both know why: you are afraid to be shown wrong, and to see that I write reasonable, because then it would mean you are wrong, and that your position is unjust (which it also is) and that is the point. That is why you cannot and will not answer the question as to what you would do if you were God and if you would damn people if you had the power of God, or if he lent you his power to do as you please with the damned, what would you do? Would you not forgive them and work on their betterment for all eternity then instead of damning them I asked repeatedly? You never responded. Never! But we all know the answer you would give if you would answer. Hence, God is unjust, because you would not damn anyone yourself because damnation is evil and unjust.

Again, if you were God, you would not damn anyone, but you would work for all eternity that evil people may become good. I know I am right on this, hence you do not even agree with your own God on this, but you only agree with him silently because you think you have to, and because you fear being damned and you are afraid to stand up to true justice because you fear a God who must not be feared on this point.

2. You also took me out of context in order to make me look bad and then you attacked me. This is a common tactic of cowards who have nothing to say, so instead they look for something to take out of context and then give a false reply that is not true or itself taken out of context in order to make the opponent look bad, and then they hope that they can shift the discussion to some other topic or that it will just end, while ignoring the arguments completely, and that is also what you did, for you neither posted my comments on your blog nor answered any single argument or question I asked you except for taking me out of context, and you only make yourself look all the more stupid and dishonest for doing that.

This is how my comment continued, and which you did not show:

You say God and Hitler is not the same? False, we are all the same, and we all originated from God, and we were all created in his likeness, and besides, my argument was that they are the same in relation to the crimes they perpetuated or still perpetuates, because God, just like Hitler, damns innocent people who have made no real crimes except for transgression against his own will.” (Cf.

So as everyone can see, I merely stated in my comment that their similarity was in doing evil, and not that a man is God in actuality or that they are exactly the same. However, I did point out that man and God are the same in the sense that we came from God, and that he created us in his likeness, but that does not mean I said we are like God or similar to him, because I simply cannot know what God is. But that is not to say I believe God is good of perfect, but neither do I think we are like unto God, unless we think for justice sake, for men can be and are more times more just then God (such as men who do not will or desire the damnation of others, are more just than God).

Also, even if we are not God, that does not mean we cannot be something else more powerful then God, if not by our own justice that exceeds his own, then at least by having received this power from God. For even if God has all the power from himself and we have nothing of ourselves, if God is not completely just and someone is better then him, then it is only right that God shares his power with this other person and makes him more powerful than himself. This is both just and reasonable, for when God is such an unjust God that damns grown ups and children, then it is only right that someone better then him who does not damn others rules the Heaven in true justice, so that no damnation anymore may happen.

So you simply took me out of context, and your intention when doing so was despicable, for all you were after was to make me look bad, and then you hoped to avoid answering my questions and arguments by this tactic, which is truly pathetic.

And also, God is not so good as you know is my position and as you should see if you only understood and was honest about that damning and tormenting others is evil, and you know I don't think highly of God, so no wonder I don't see much difference from God and man when truly just men are better then God and more just, and this argument is true even if God is all powerful and has all the power in himself which man has not, because it is not our fault that man was created by God and that God happened to be unjust. Again, it is not our fault God is unjust, and therefore, it is neither our fault if we in actuality are powerless against God, but if God is just, as he also claims to be, then God is a slave of justice, and hence, God cannot resist justice, and therefore, God cannot truly resist me or those who think like me, since I speak justice and for justice sake in doing our neighbours and loved ones and even enemies well but which God does not, since he not only damns them and does them unwell but also torments them or allows them to be tormented and hence he has become unjust and lost his place. Deposing of unworthy rulers also happens on the earth and this is justice, because it is right, noble and good to protect others from evil people or even evil Gods and their evil influence.

This is what I wrote about this in another place:

[God] Don't be an unjust fool and eternally damn them, because that is evil. You can give them a prison sentence, but do not eternally damn anyone. In truth, if you refuse to take your work seriously and do not forgive people their offenses, then let me do it and take your place, because I promise you to work for all eternity for bad people's conversion, even if they are evil, because I have hope that even they will and can become good again.” (Cf.

3. “There is no need to waste an hour of your life there, nor do I need to waste my time, because Jerome's OWN WRITTEN WORDS condemn him!”

Answer: You don't want to debate with me, be honest. Otherwise you would take time, even if an article took months to create. Am I right on this?

Besides, you also ignore my questions and arguments all the time. This is also an indication that you do not want to be honest with me or debate this issue honestly and truthfully.

It is easy to debate with others when it goes well for oneself, but in this case, you have not much to say in defence, which is also why you avoid all my arguments and questions and to your own shame, you did it again for my fourth article! That means you have ignored and not answered the same arguments for four articles straight even though I have asked you repeatedly in all of them to be honest and answer, you coward!

Also, try to show how my own words condemns me without taking me out of context, or without just forcing the argument that I call God evil and such or that Christ was a failure and therefore I am deceived etc. (for that is more of a religious issue, but I tried to make this about justice with you instead, but this you ignored), because it is obvious I do this (attack God) from my writings but for a reason, and that is because God is unjust and evil when he damns humans, souls and angels that he could so easily have forgiven, for if he did forgive them and if he did work on their conversion instead, he and all of us would have received their love instead, and not their hatred, which is a better solution then damning them and not wanting to forgive them.

Besides, Criminals on earth are not denied conversion and betterment or forgiveness or even to be released from prison, hence the same rule must be true and be implemented in the next life. Anything else is clearly unjust.


Answer: There is nothing wrong with this statement if taken in context (which you did not), since “as God” only implies similarities and God also says we are created in his likeness and that we can (and should) become like unto him – so he himself gives similarities. To me it just looks like you wanted to find something to attack me with so that I could look bad, and so you could avoid the discussion with me and then go into hiding, hoping I won't respond, or at least if you do, you just want to make yourself feel good so that you can justify not responding to me, for if I can't get that right, why waste your time, right? But we shall see if you continue debating with me and if you finally answers my questions and arguments.

5. “God is omniscient, omnipotent, omni-benevolent, and eternal. People are NONE of these things.”

Answer: Neither is God any of these (except perhaps eternal and knowing the future), for a God that damns others and torments them is not perfect, is not kind, is not all powerful (such as in justice) but rather the definition of imperfection. Hence God is not perfect, and your argument fails. <b>Just because God claims to be perfect, does not make it true. How can you be so blind and NOT see that this is the truth here? AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ARGUMENT THAT SOMETHING IS <i>NOT</i> TRUE JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE CLAIMS IT IS, RIGHT?</b> And then when I also prove God is imperfect, since he damns people such as Children and unconfessed nuns for nothing, you ignore it.

To you, God can be a dictator and murder souls for all eternity in a Concentration Camp even though he easily could forgive them but he does not, and yet he would remain and be perfect to you. You are brainwashes by God and the Bible and the Saints' teachings on God. End of story.

6. “Being made in God's likeness means we have a rational spiritual soul.”

Answer: Yes. But being made in God's likeness means, rather, I would say, that we can share in and take parts of God's glory and power. Hence, God could actually make someone else more powerful then himself by giving his power to him, and even if God could take it back, if God is just and this person deserves this power more, this means God will not do it, since God is undeserving of it. And God does not deserve to rule in his heaven or hell, since he desires to do others evil and damns them, hence, someone more worthy than him will take God's place and be the ruler in the next life, since this soul or person, whomever it is, desires everyone good, even the damned, but which God did not. Therefore, God has fallen from his place, and someone else more worthy than him will receive it. That is my belief, because it is just and follows justice. And the world also depose unworthy rulers, and as in heaven, so also on earth.

7. “Jerome's "God" cannot be the Christian God BY DEFINITION. He cannot be the Supreme Being.”

Answer: Being God or not, he is still unworthy of this title and honor and glory and power, because God does others evil, and desires them to be damned always in a sea of fire and tortures too horrible to even imagine, yet in your blindness, you think this is “good” and “just”, and that God is “perfect” even though he positively wills damnation and that our beloved humans, angels and souls shall remain damned for all eternity, since he never forgives them!

8. “If he can't get that right how can he get anything else right?”

Answer: We shall see if you use this as an excuse to ignore me completely and then end the discussion. Otherwise my answer is that I have not gotten anything wrong, it is just you who take me out of context and ignore my meanings, and you also ignore my questions and arguments, because you have nothing good to say in response to them.

9. “JEROME'S "GOD" IS EVIL (!) … "God" is evil--is it any wonder that Jerome is clueless? His God is not the Christian God.”

Answer: I would answer this argument as Pope Francis answered it: “And I believe in God. Not in a catholic God; a catholic God does not exist; God exists.”

I believe Pope Francis point was that God exists, but not a God that desires others evil or that is not truly universal. That is why, in my belief, Francis made this distinction, and I agree with him. However, I would say I believe in the “Catholic God” (wherever he or she is), because I believe in Universality, but I do not exactly believe in “God” or the “Catholic God” strictly, because when God has such problems to be truly Universal, then he cannot be a “Catholic God”, because “Catholic” means “Universal”. And that is why the only God to me is this God who is truly Universal.

And this is what I wrote to prove the point (and this is the quote he used to show I say God is evil, as if it did not show this!). The quote is extremely good and powerful to bring out this point:

No, God is not infinitely perfect. How can someone be perfect when he eternally murders souls that all could love, if only given the chance? There exists nothing more imperfect in all eternity than what God has done, and that is a fact. When all the damned converts and starts to love, you will see this truth for yourself, you blind person.”

The fact that the last bolded sentence did not sink into you is really sad, but when they (the damned) do convert and do love even you in the next life and we all are best friends, then you will finally see the truth that damnation was evil and unjust.


Answer: True, Christ died for nothing, since he died in selfishness and only for his own. You even quoted me, and I will re-quote the same quote, since it is good:

God only died for the Saved according to his laws anyway, so yes, in a sense he died for nothing because Christ refused to be truly universal and he lets billions be lost, because they are “unworthy” his graces. Do you know what this might mean? That the true Christ perhaps is yet to come, if this other Christ was no the true Christ. Because why would a true God be selfish, and only apply salvation to those who are worthy according to himself? Salvation must be applied according to justice, and not on any personal motives. And according to justice, everyone is worthy of salvation, because everyone can love and become good and give love [but this is denied by God to ever happen in his evil Hell].” (Cf.

11. “So there you have it folks! Jerome's "God" is evil. Jerome's God is equal to His creation--so why can't we create things out of nothing--and how did we get here if God is not all-powerful and HE couldn't create us? … If we are the same as God people should be all-powerful. But we are not. That means God is no more powerful than people--but then how did God create the universe and Hell/Heaven??”

Answer: Yes, a God that damns others is evil. No, I did not say exactly that God is equal to creation, because I just can't know this. But I do believe a true God do exists if our Catholic God is not this God, and I have no problem to say that this Catholic God is imperfect in every way and inferior to just men due to the fact of his incredible injustice in damning people to eternal torments. That is a fact. That is why this Catholic/Christian God is just as undeserving as Hitler was, and why they deserves the same punishment.

We also don't know yet what we can do when we are dead, or what power the true God will give to us, so perhaps we will be able to create even from our own power after death. Who knows? Do you know everything about the afterlife? I think not. Therefore, we cannot know everything yet except that God is the originator and source and the creator of us (at least, that is what he claims), and that is all.

12. “The fact is Jerome thinks HE is just and God is not--HE knows better than God. And if his "god" is evil and imperfect then how can Jerome believe there is no Hell? If God is evil, there would be Hell (according to Jerome), yet Jerome claims there is no Hell. (If your head is spinning it should be!) … The fact is, the Christian God Jerome rejects is all good, all knowing and all powerful--the Creator of all. We are imperfect and finite we can never understand His ways because we are NOT His equal, so things will work out for the good, even if we don't understand how because of our limited intellects.”

Answer: I have already showed you many times why God is unjust on the question of Hell, for I gave you several questions in order to prove why God is unjust with his hell, since an honest answer would show that what God does, is not needed or the better solution to do towards damned people, and that is why I asked you several times what you would do if you were God, or if you had power over the damned with God's permission to do as you want. Would you then forgive them or would you torment them and damn them? I said it is obvious you would not damn anyone, but try to convert them to become better men and women again, and hence forgive them. That is only reasonable, and this argument also proves something, that Hell is unjust and that it does not need to be in this way. If you would only answer, you would see the truth for yourself, but so far, you have avoided this argument for fear of offending a God which you must not fear offending, since he is imperfect and commands evil and hence needs to be corrected and rebuked.

I also gave you another argument which also proves the point that God is unjust with his Hell and I am not unjust in condemning him. It was the following:

ALSO, IF GOD CHANGED POSITION ON HELL, SO WOULD YOU. SO THE ARGUMENT THAT HELL IS “JUST” FALLS FLAT WITH THIS ARGUMENT ALONE. God could not change position on murder or rape, for example, for that would be evil and even you would condemn God if he did that, but with Hell, it is different, for Hell is not a good or just doctrine in itself, but is actually evil; and that is why if God changed position on Hell and this was proven to you, you too would immediately change position – you blind, unjust and evil person!”

Hence, my arguments stands, and they have never been refuted by you.

You also ask how God is evil yet there is no Hell? Do you want to know why? That is because, if you want to believe this, God removed Hell and Limbo because I demanded and commanded him to do so, since I battled with God every day and still do for the salvation of all the angels, humans and souls, and all other living and non-living creatures, such as animals and even stones and trees! Hence, God told me finally that there will be no Hell, and that I was right in my thinking, and he also said that this was just as test in order to see who among his children wanted to be truly just, and who would not want this.

But since I cannot be certain of that this is the case, and since I talk with many spirits, I have also heard this: that it was not a test, and that God was wrong in creating Hell, but that he did not change his position, apparently, until I condemned him and debated with him so much so that he was forced to change position, because when my justice and my thoughts was so good and noble, how could God resist me? He could not, hence he changed and humbled himself.

Now I have answered your question.

Someone could ask why I condemn God as evil if he has changed position. First, I am not sure he has, I am just hoping he has done so, but this cannot be proven or known definitively until we have died, and therefore I continue to call God evil, because God, the Bible and the Saints teaches Hell, and even the Church of Vatican II teaches there is a Hell to some extent, so until the Church actually declares God has changed position, I cannot be sure of this, and that is the reason for why I call him evil, since his doctrine on Hell is still evil.

Second, I must also live in the fear of myself being damned after death, and not only me, but also all other persons that would be damned including all the fallen angels and also those in Limbo who are secluded, and this is evil. Therefore, I call God evil, because I cannot know for sure he has actually changed position, but I do believe and hope he has done so, because this is what I have been told.

Third, I also call God evil because of his former evil actions of damning people even if he has changed for the same reason as one could call Hitler evil for what he did and that he did evil even if he had converted and ended in goodness in the end. But again, I cannot know for sure God has changed position, even if I am quite certain and do believe he has done so, since this is the only just position, and since I believe God is just and must adhere to justice, this means he must have changed position. That is my faith, which I believe in, since it is just.

Forth, I also call Hell and God evil because blind people such as yourself defend Hell and God and call it “good” and “just”, but this is not true, hence I must condemn it as evil, for if I did not, I would approve of evil and call evil good, but this I won't do, hence that I condemn both Hell and God as evil, for that is what it truly is.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Q&A: “Your argumentation is so pathetic, it stands refuted and you're incapable of seeing it.” My fourth response to Introibo Ad Altare Dei.

Sadly, Introibo but you have forced me to post the entirety of an article in your comment section, and also to re-post here much of what I already posted in my previous article, for either you did not read my article and see my answers, or answered only my comment but not the article even thought I clearly linked to it, for you repeated many arguments and questions I already answered.

I will try to post everything in your comment section, and I also advice your readers to look into my article, which you apparently did not read, and which contained many questions and arguments you never answered (some of them I will repeat again so that you cannot ignore them):

Note: Introibo did not post my comments/article in his blog, and also, he did not answer my simple questions once again in addition to taking me out of context and then attacking me, because he obviously needed something to use in order to make me look bad, but instead he only makes himself the more stupid and dishonest for doing that.

You (Introibo) wrote: “Jerome, “Your argumentation is so pathetic, it stands refuted and you're incapable of seeing it. I'll let my readers judge; you are a Universalist anti-christian apostate.”

Response: What is pathetic with wanting to save the damned, by blind friend, since they are our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers and children? To actually say that it is pathetic to want to save the damned is equivalent to saying that it is pathetic to save the Jews from Hitlers evil Concentration Camps! And guess what, there are also Jews in God's evil Hell of Concentration Camps that are damned because God refuses to forgive them, and hence I will always fight for theirs and everyone else's salvation and forgiveness and ultimate release.

And who is really pathetic, my blind friend, who evilly says that children must be damned and that they cannot be forgiven or released or even responsibly parented in the next life? You are disgusting!

And also, who is pathetic my friend when you cannot answer simple questions? Your refusal to answer my questions once again in your comment section and my article make you look like a fool, and it exposes you as the fraud you are, as I will show to your readers once again.
I specifically asked you this question below which pertains to justice in order to show you something, i.e., that the “justice” of Hell is not just, for if you were God or had the power, you would not damn anyone!

Jerome asked Introibo: “For example, you have not address any single argument on point of true justice in your comments or articles except the false argument “that God says so”, or “that it must be so”, or “we must believe so” but this is not justice, as I explained in the article because justice is not based upon what one man or woman or God says, but rather, it is based on what true justice really is, and God is not just with his Hell, as even you know, SINCE YOU WOULD NOT DAMN ANYONE IF YOU YOURSELF RECEIVED THE POWER BY GOD OVER THE DAMNED TO DO WHAT YOU WANT, FOR THEN YOU WOULD FORGIVE THEM... ANSWER THIS QUESTION NOW YOU COWARD SINCE IT PERTAINS TO JUSTICE AND PROVES THE POINT; THAT JUSTICE IS NOT BASED ON WHAT ONE MAN OR WOMAN SAYS, BUT AGAIN, ON WHAT TRUE JUSTICE REALLY IS, and then explain from your brainwashed Christian perspective “why this would be just” (even though it is not) to damn someone based on justice not seen from a brainwashed Christian's God's perspective WHEN THE SAME CRIME IF IT HAPPENED ON EARTH YOU WOULD HAVE CONDEMNED IN A HUMAN PERSON YOU HYPOCRITE BLIND PERSON.” (Cf. comment section of this article, and in my article:

Why don't you answer this question you avoider of questions and arguments you fake lawyer and deceiver and unjust person? If you were God, you would not damn anyone, but you would work for all eternity that evil people may become good. I know I am right on this, hence you do not even agree with your own God on this, but you only agree with him silently because you think you have to, and because you fear being damned -- you deceived, unjust and blind person -- who is afraid to stand up to true justice because you fear a God who must not be feared on this point.

Why not be a true and real lawyer for once and make the choice to stand up to true justice and morality for once even if this so called God condemns and damns you for it? I would certainly have made this choice, since I know it is the right choice to do, and in fact, I have already made this choice long ago!

You wrote: “No one needs to believe in visions which are private revelations. Even visions by great saints need not be believed. Apparitions like Our Lady of Fatima need not be believed. … St Alphonsus often uses certain situations to make a point. The point would be that God is an infinitely Perfect Being and any offense done with full consent and knowledge that it is gravely wrong is deserving of Hell regardless of age.”

Response: Your argument is irrelevant, since the vision of Alphonsus by all likelihood is true, and this means even children are damned, but in your blindness, you did not see any problem with this, but only went on to say that this was “just” and “deserving of Hell regardless of age” if God desires it, you evil man and condemner of people and children.

To not condemn an injustice is to approve of it! and since you don't condemn the damnation and torment of children, this means you approve of it and think it is “good” and “just”, as you also already admitted (that it was just if God wills it). Hence, you are no different than the evil Germans who also believed damning or murdering Children was a good thing, because you have the same mindset as they, i.e., that they deserve it and that this punishment is “just”, and also because our leader (i.e., Hitler, or in your case, God) wills it.

Also, this below is specifically what I wrote you you about “damned” children which would be a better solution than damning them, but in your grave cowardism, you did not even dare to include my statement or argument or respond to it, or even say: “Yes, your position would be better, but I do not dare to agree with it, because I am forced to agree with my God for fear of displeasing him...” Introibo, you should be ashamed of yourself, you fraud!

This is what I wrote, in contrast to the evil which you wrote about this child “deserving” damnation:

Jerome wrote: “Yes, according to your stupid belief, this child does not deserve forgiveness or responsible parenting in the next life so that he can become good again and converted, but he “deserves” damnation and must always live in a Hell to be tormented forever without ever feeling love, hope, forgiveness or happiness ever again! Do you see now why I called your position retarded, and why you are stupid? That is because you have no sense of justice, and because you are only slaving after a God – and that is all. Instead of wishing and declaring that responsible parenting would be a just judgment for this child in the next life so that we can be friends and love each other instead of hating and tormenting each other, you flat out evilly and heretically declare that he must be damned and burn and be tormented for all eternity in a Hell that is unmerciful and evil.” (Cf. comment section of this article, and this article:

How someone can not see that responsible parenting and rehabilitation is the only just alternative instead of damning someone, and that everything else contrary to this is evil such as damnation, is mind boggling to say the least. Introibo, however much you claim damnation is “just”, this will never be the case and that was my point with my articles: to make you see this truth, but so far you have been unwilling to admit this, due to fear of offending an evil God.

You claim Hell is “just”, but you only argue this from God's perspective, and I asked you not to do this, but rather, I asked you to explain from a worldly perspective (as the lawyer you are) to explain how damnation is just in respect to just laws and the secular laws, and also tell me what you would do if you were God, if you would damn someone or rather work on their betterment. My guess is you would not damn someone (for otherwise you would be indescribably evil, being able to do good to them but chooses evil), hence, this argument and question proves my point, that you are only slaving after God an his unjust Hell because you fear offending him; and it also proves that Hell is unjust, for if Hell was not unjust, you would have made the same judgment as God did, i.e., that you would send souls and humans and even children to Hell to burn and be tormented forever, but that is not the case, because you would have wanted to work on their forgiveness and betterment instead. I am sure of this, please, let me hear you say you would do this now, instead of making me repeat my self over and over again on the same question and argument that so far, you have been unwilling to answer.

You wrote: “We only know for certain that Judas Iscariot is in Hell. That is Church teaching as I explain in my post above.”

Response: That is not shared by many in Vatican II, but many even believe he has been forgiven already and released. That is my position also, since it is the only good, true, noble and honorable position according to true justice and love, since no crime deserves an eternal punishment when people can be converted and become good again.

Do you know why I share Vatican II's position? That is, again, because damnation is evil and because forgiveness and love is greater than damnation, unforgiveness and unlove in not wanting to forgive someone who did wrong. Everyone can convert, even Judas, so to claim he must always suffer is evil and unmerciful.

To always unforgive someone that can be converted if he only where given the chance is evil, and hence nothing justifies an eternal Hell because in such a place, love and hope is murdered in them – and that is clearly wrong.

And what is your point? Do you believe only Judas is in Hell? I am sure you do not hold this position, but you could always clarify. If the saints and bible is correct, most seems to be damned, and that would amount to billions and billions of humans, angels and souls, and many of those “damned” would also be children. Hell is evil. End of discussion.

You wrote: “As a Lawyer I know that THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME--and the crime for a mortal sin is Hell. Why? Hell is eternal because sin, though finite by itself, is primarily committed against an infinite God; the punishment must therefore also be infinite.”

Response: Since you did not seem to have read my article, or what is worse, perhaps read it and yet did not include my answer and answer my answer, I will be forced to quote from my own article that I wrote for you.

This is what I already wrote to you about that “the punishment must fit the crime”:

Jerome responds: No crime deserves eternal torments. That is why I so much mentioned you being a lawyer and claiming to follow justice, because according to the laws you have learned, you certainly know eternal torment does not befit a crime that was only temporal. Even in the world, repentant criminals are released, and if people could live forever, they certainly would not have been punished forever, if they converted and became new men.

“Besides, the world does not torment criminals, but tries to cure them. But in Hell, there are torments so severe so that they can only hate in return, and this is clearly unjust, since it denies love and repentance and love.

“And to the argument that people receive life sentences. That is true, but life is only temporal. Had life been eternal on earth, the judgment would have been different. I mean, it is unreasonable to let someone live forever in a prison if the person he killed still lives in another life (if life is eternal and cannot die) and especially if this man also has converted and become good. Therefore, since the laws on earth and eternity are different, different laws applies, but still, the world understands this: tormenting others is evil, which is why the world itself does not do this to her criminals, but again, they seek to cure them, or at least, desire them to die a good deaths so they they may have happiness hereafter.

“And this is even more true in the afterlife, because in the afterlife no death exists, and even people who where murdered on earth is alive in heaven, so why then always punish someone when they have already been punished, and especially if they have became new men that are now good? Hence let us forgive each other instead and love each other and be happy with each others goodness and conversion, and let us be like a big family again, like we are meant to be and love each other. For this is the only truth with Heaven, to forgive each other and love each other and to live in happiness and eternal love with each other for ever!” (Cf.

“Hell is eternal because sin, though finite by itself, is primarily committed against an infinite God; the punishment must therefore also be infinite.”

Answer: (A similar argument is also responded by me in the next section below in a different way.) The argument that Hell must be eternal because God is infinite and the transgression is infinite and must therefore last forever is false, because this would only mean God don't forgive people for all eternity, and that is clearly wrong.

Also, just because someone happens to be infinite, that does not excuse making an eternal torment that does not even befit the crime. Eternal suffering is God's own made up law, and all the secular laws or even the current Church, the Vatican II, does not agree with this punishment. Why do you think both have different positions and the Church today even teach Universal Salvation and forgiveness and mercy above condemnation and unforgiveness? Besides, are we going to let God be a dictator and do as he want, even making up his own laws that goes contrary to true justice just because of an argument that he is infinite? Of course not.

The argument that God is infinite and therefore the punishment must be infinite is prideful, and is similar to the crime Hitler did who also, in his great pride, thought he was something special that therefore was worthy to punish those whom he deemed fit as he pleases, but this is not justice, but injustice, and when God created us, it came with a responsibility, and God is not allowed to forgo this responsibility of responsibly parenting us and treating us kindly and justly just because he is infinite (or eternal).

It is the same with us, we have no right to treat our children badly just because we created them or gave birth to them. If we did treat them badly the just society would come and take our children away from us, and this would be just. And this same logic applies to God. Just because God created us or is eternal, does not mean he can do with us as he wishes, because justice must always be followed even if you are God, and being God does not negate this fact. When God created us, it came with a responsibility of treating us justly according to just laws, and of not being a dictator, but God has failed in this through pride, because God thought he could do to us as he pleases even though there is no real justice behind such behavior. God in fact acted no differently than Hitler.

So God is infinite, and this nun was ashamed to confess her sin and therefore, she must be damned for all eternity, because God is infinite and lasts for eternity because he can never forgive someone? Can't you see how stupid this argument really is and that it is not really an argument at all? God has no right to be a dictator just because he chooses to be so, and neither do we, which is why the world would hate and condemn us if we made up our own unjust laws and become like unto Hitler.

You wrote: “If you destroyed someone's property valued at $100, he has a strict right in justice to be compensated the full $100. God's 's friendship is infinite in value and the mortal sinner broke that friendship against a Perfect Being. Therefore, the punishment must be equally infinite. Hell is neither more nor less than absolute, perfect justice; it couldn’t be otherwise. "He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He." (Deuteronomy 32:4).”

Response: I also already addressed this argument. Did you not read my article? If you did read my article, it is dishonest not to include my responses and answers and for you to not answer them, for otherwise you are avoiding my arguments (as you have already made anyway, since I have to repeat the same questions to you over and over).

But since I like to excuse people, I believe you responded to my comments first before you actually read the article. Hence that none of my responses or other arguments in the longer article never was included by you.

This was my response:

Jerome responds: In order to prove that you are lying, try to claim this “justice” in a court of law, and we will see if the judge lets you keep your work or not! If you are honest, you will see that the judge would revoke your license if you tried to implement these laws whom you claim are “just” in a court of law, because they certainly are not just, but to the contrary, if you follow true laws, such as not murdering or stealing, you would be praised and honored.

“No one in the world is given eternal torments or punishment for having stolen 100 dollars. They are merely given a fine, or a small prison sentence, but God could actually damn someone for eternity if they died in this sin, tragically and evilly, and this is wrong, and you know it, and judges know it; you dishonest person who are merely slaving after a God whatever he teaches.

“Both you and I know and everyone know that it would be better to let someone, in the afterlife, pay back in some way what he stole rather then eternally damning him. But such simple logic is not understood by you, because you are a slave of a God and not a man of justice even though you are a lawyer, and hence this is also the reason for that you are blind, for God is blinding you, when you should rather look to true justice, which the world and Vatican II represents better than God.

“Besides, why don't God learn some humility? He felt offended? Well, don't we all get offended? God has no reason to damn someone forever just because he felt offended. Instead, man up God and tell this man or woman they did wrong, and then help them become better men and women again. Don't be an unjust fool and eternally damn them, because that is evil. You can give them a prison sentence, but do not eternally damn anyone. In truth, if you refuse to take your work seriously and do not forgive people their offenses, then let me do it and take your place, because I promise you to work for all eternity for bad people's conversion, even if they are evil, because I have hope that even they will and can become good again.” (Cf.

God's 's friendship is infinite in value and the mortal sinner broke that friendship against a Perfect Being.”

Answer: To those who don't like God because he do them evil or because he do others evil, his friendship is not infinite, and neither is he perfect, because someone who does evil towards another human or soul cannot possibly be perfect, and therefore, God is not perfect, and his friendship is not infinite, unless he converts from his evil ways and forgive those who's friendship he has rejected. That is right, he rejects the damneds friendship who could be converted, if he only desired this, but he does not and he never forgives them, yet you claim his friendship is infinite? No, that is not correct, and my own definition of friendship is in fact more infinite than even God's, because my friendship extends to anyone, and most of all the damned and those in need, since they need help to become good people again. Therefore, they are my true friends, and I am theirs.

You wrote: “You see Hell as unjust because your conception of God and Justice/Mercy are both WRONG.”

Response: I also responded to this already. This is what I wrote:

Jerome responded: “No it is not wrong, AND THAT IS WHY THE WORLD AND VATICAN II AND OUR CONSCIENCE AND HEART, AND ALSO TRUE JUSTICE, AGREES WITH ME AND NOT WITH YOU! Only brainwashed Christians like yourself, says it is wrong [that my position is wrong], because according to you, a 5 year old child being angry with God and calling him bad names must burn in Hell and be damned if he died like this, and a nun who lived a good life but was ashamed to confess a sin “deserves” eternal damnation and torments, you evil person! This is not how the world or Vatican II judges it, which is why they don't even demand confession anymore under pain of sin. This is wisdom. Instead, they believe in mercy, and that even if someone failed in everything, that there is hope for him or her. This is also my faith and my belief, because it is just. But I go even further then they. But many in the Vatican II also believe as I do, i.e., that all are saved and that Hell is either empty, or does not exist.” (Cf.


You wrote: “You commit the fallacy of argumentum ad misericordiam--the appeal to pity. is a fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by exploiting his or her opponent's feelings of pity--an emotional appeal. E.g., How could a five year old be in Hell??”

Response: I am not trying to win support by exploiting pity or feelings, as you evilly implied, but I am giving you good arguments in order to make you see how stupid you are, and in order to bring forward true justice, i.e., that it is unjust to damn children or even grown ups in a sea of fire where they will be tormented forever and never given hope or forgiveness for all eternity. Hence, my position and thoughts and words are only reasonable, but blind as you are, you only see evil even though I do good.

Had I argued the same about Hitler and his Concentration Camps (which I in fact do) then you would have called me right, and you would have thought I had noble thoughts that wishes those poor souls good, and you would never have said I apply to pity and emotion in order to win some argument, because you know Hitler was evil and did evil and that his Concentration Camps were evil, and hence, a person who defends the people who where sent there can never be accused of doing wrong provided he have good intentions, yet you try to accuse me of some fallacy for defending the damned from an even worse Hitler (God) and Concentration Camps (Hell) and you see a problem with me doing so, because you are blind, and your mindset is evil, because you defend evil and condemn goodness, such as you do with me all the time, and which you did here too, calling my intentions fallacy and exploiting emotions because I wish children, grown ups, angels and souls good and that they may not suffer in a Hell.

Again, and I will repeat myself: Your arguments are really evil, and your mindset and justice is incredibly dark, because you see evil where no evil exists, but that which is truly evil, such as damning children that could be converted in an eternity but is denied this by an evil God, you call “just” and “good”, and if someone condemns the damning of children just as someone would condemn Hitler or his Concentration Camps as I do, then you accuse them of emotionality and fallacy, you evil and blind person!

You wrote: “Well the Church teaches that those who are baptized and die before the age of reason (age 7) go to Heaven. The unbaptized who die before reason go to Limbo--a place where there is no pain and natural happiness.”

Response: This is more injustice from God's part. Unbaptized children (such as infants) have done nothing wrong, yet they are discriminated against and are to be denied to enter or see heaven for all eternity, and they will never have their relatives or parents presence if they are either damned or saved in that case, and neither would they see the Virgin Mary or God, because according to God, just because someone is born black (or in this case, unbaptized) he is to be discriminated against. But that position is evil, and also unjust.

Are you a person who believes that God can do anything? I am sure you are. But if this is the case, then God could change his laws too so that no discrimination is committed against unbaptized innocent infants that has done nothing wrong and he could let them enter into Heaven, as he also must do, and I have already told him this, and I have heard in response that they already are in Heaven.

As a lawyer, I know you must agree with these statements, both that God can change his laws, and also that God is discriminating against the unbaptized infants (and also grown ups), for these children have not even done anything wrong, yet are punished and excluded from Heaven and their parents presence and even the Virgin Mary and all other saints and humans and souls in Heaven, which is an evil thing to do against them, obviously, and it is unjust and no different than if a person discriminated against a black person just because he was born black as you know, and you of course would prosecute someone who did this, but here when it comes to God, you do nothing, and even see justice in it! That again is because you are a follower of God, and not a follower of true justice – you fake lawyer!

It is false to follow a God or a person and their doctrines and teachings if this God or if this person denies justice and is unjust, for then they must be corrected and condemned. And that is what I do. What you do is obvious, you respecter of persons.

You wrote: “Now, St. Alphonsus' vision maybe no more than bring home the point that **IF** there were a five year old capable of mortal sin, he would go to Hell. The offense of mortal sin is INFINITE REGARDLESS OF AGE AS LONG AS THE PERSON (a) has use of reason, (b) commits a sin on a GRAVE MATTER, with (c) FULL KNOWLEDGE IT IS WRONG and (d) FULL CONSENT OF THE WILL.”

Response: Since when is simply being ashamed to confess a sin a “GRAVE MATTER” -- you liar and avoider of questions and arguments and dark person -- so that a person must “deserve” eternal damnation for such a trifle and nothing?

I already pointed this out several times in my articles to you, yet I have never received a proper response form you, and as you even know, this is no sin at all according to the true and just secular law, (and this is also the law which God's Church, Vatican II, now has started to embrace too), but God has or had only decided to see it as a sin (such as to be unwilling to confess one's sin through shame) – and that was all. But God can change, and whether or not you believe he will, is another question, but if you don't believe in this, then tragically you must believe in an unjust God that also is obstinate with being unjust. So which position is better? Mine of course, i.e., that God was wrong, admitted to being wrong, and changed!

Also, none of the points you brought up justifies eternally damning someone. So what if someone knew it was wrong to steal and then stole with full consent. That does not mean this person deserves eternal damnation if he died in such a state, you fool! How many thieves convert and become good people again? Yet in Hell, this conversion would be denied this thief for all eternity, and he would never be forgiven. And that was my point, that it is unjust!

And I don't care what God says or do, but all you do is bringing up the evil and already refuted argument that “God says” or “teaches this”, but that is not justice, and has nothing to do with true justice except his own selfish will, which is why I want you to answer from a truly just perspective and not from God's perspective how your position can be just, being a lawyer and all as you are this should be no problem for you, but so far, you have been unwilling to do so. And when I asked you about and made arguments to the point that THE SECULAR LAWS DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU AND EVEN CONDEMNS YOU AS UNMERCIFUL IN WANTING THE DAMNED TO BE AND REMAIN DAMNED FOREVER (EVEN FOR TRIFLES), you avoid it and do not not even try to reply, you dishonest person.

You wrote: “Any person who does so [(a) has use of reason, (b) commits a sin on a GRAVE MATTER, with (c) FULL KNOWLEDGE IT IS WRONG and (d) FULL CONSENT OF THE WILL] CHOOSES HELL. A person will go into the next life as the person they made themselves in this life. A human being's choice and fate are sealed at death. If someone goes to Judgement as an enemy of God, that individual rejects all that God is; love, goodness, etc. They have embraced hate, evil, and all that is wrong. That's who they will be for all eternity. No person is capable of being forgiven if they do not repent of their sin. people who allow themselves to die in mortal sin CANNOT REPENT OR BE SORRY.”

Response: I already responded to this argument in my article also, but either you did not read it, or was unwilling to show my response. I do not agree with, as I stated, that people who died in God's displeasure is unwilling to be sorry or cannot convert or love, because when they lived on earth, they did love others, and also they can and will convert in due time since this happens all the time on earth such as in prison, hence your argument fails. The same goes for eternity, PROVIDED CONVERSION AND FORGIVENESS IS ALWAYS OPEN TO THEM, THEN THEY WILL AND CAN CONVERT IN DUE TIME, but as we know, in Hell this possibility is always denied the damned and God never forgives them, and many even believe that even if they repented in Hell, they would still never be forgiven. This is truly and indescribably evil, for to not forgive someone and always wishing them evil, is wrong and heretical.

This is what I wrote:

Response: Even it that is true (which I don't believe) still, I would gladly offer myself to work for their conversion for all eternity. IF God is to selfish to help them, let me do it, and do not torment them, but let us live in peace and let us do them good, so that they too will see the light. That is my faith, my hope, my love for them, because I desire them good, and provided someone desires them good, there is hope.

Also, this is what I wrote on this subject in other places, and this answers all of your arguments above sufficiently:

“I have not renounced the true faith but rather found it and embraced it, since the true faith, even according to God himself, is the Golden Rule and wishing (and wanting) good upon others, and forgiving others, especially our enemies! That is why I want to forgive the damned and work for their eternal salvation and happiness. I do not believe, as I explained, that the damned cannot be good or forgiven. If they hate God or can't forgive him, it is for a reason -- i.e., He rejected them and sent them to Hell. If they can't love God or God love them, then let someone else love them or give them love or be their God (such as Mary, or whomever else has won this title), and all would be well. It is absurd to think that a spirit or soul would refuse happiness and love for all eternity just because we have been taught this is the case. If this is not true with reasonable humans, why would it be true with spirits? It makes no sense. But even if this is true, my judgment would be to send them to earth again and live another life and make them receive a body. No human wants to deny love or live in torments, hence, it is easy to see why there are solutions to the damned and that they can start to love again. That is why I believe in love and forgiveness, and not in hate and God's evil damnation.” (Cf.

I also wrote in another place:

“If you read my article you will have read many answers as to why there need to be no Hell, and why they could have been saved and lived in happiness and why God commits mortal sin by not having thought of something better for the damned (if Hell now is real and not only a true scare tactic). Would it be hard to let all the damned live on earth in a human body and hence make them live in human happiness instead of damnation? Of course not! Do humans want to live in torments and unhappiness? Certainly not! SO THE ARGUMENT THAT THEY ARE ALWAYS EVIL AND CAN'T BE GOOD IS FALSE, BECAUSE THEY HAD GOODNESS IN THEM WHILE THEY LIVED ON EARTH. My judgment – which would be shared by all who have reason and love true justice above God's will if his will is evil – (if I had God's place) would be that they could live on earth instead (if they don't want to live in Heaven or we can't get along), but I also do believe that Heaven even is for them and that they can become good. …
“I did not mention devils or demons because it does not matter. They exist, but they have become, or will be good in my belief, since I have given them hope and forgiveness, so they are my friends. Do you think I want even the devil to be damned? No, I wish his salvation and happiness, and I will fight for that all the damned will be saved. And in my belief and in that of Origen, everyone will be saved in the end. Yes everyone, and that includes the devil. What is hard to believe with that the devil himself could make himself become like a little child and start to love if he was only forgiven and was granted happiness and love? How can demons love or have hope if they are only tormented and live without hope? Can't you see that they are forced to hate? If you don't believe me, try to torment yourself or be tormented by someone in insufferable torments, and then tell me what you think and if you are happy with this life or if you start to fell an urge to hate! If someone tormented you and you had no hope and you could not bear it, and you thought this would endure forever and there was no hope and you received no consolation from anyone, you will start to hate. Can one live in insufferable torments and not start to hate when one cannot bear it? Even I would have started to hate God and even Mary if I was always tormented in insufferable torments and I had no hope of being released. Not that I want to hate, but if one is not forgiven or granted love or happiness, it only seems natural to start to hate those who deny you this happiness. Hence Hell is evil, since it forces us to hate. Without love and hope, there is only darkness and hate.” (Cf.

Finally, this is what I wrote specifically for you in the article I directed to you a while back (you never responded):

Introibo Ad Altare Dei asks: “In the strict sense, God does not condemn anyone to Hell. The person chooses it.”

Jerome answers: “I know this argument. I also held this before I got courage to actually blame God instead. I answer: If people truly choose damnation in front of God because their conscience forces it, this is a kind of force, since the conscience follows God's own laws, and not our own well being. I can assure you that I do not want to be damned. If you say I do desire to be damned you would be lying. Therefore, if I desire to be damned in the next life, that only happened because I would be overwhelmed by feelings alien and foreign to me that makes it unjust and impossible to resist. If I do not want to be damned as a human with a human reasoning, I certainly do not want to be damned in the next judgment when I look at everything differently. Since feelings can be deceptive and even can be abused (such as by God), I would guess the feelings in that case must be severe and excessive, and almost impossible to reject. Is that just? Of course not. But then again, nothing is just with a Hell and eternal torments, so the fact that people choose a Hell in God's judgment does not surprise me, since I can see already that there is foul play at hand – because humans with a human reasoning will not and will never want to be eternally tormented or live in a sea of fire for all eternity. That is just common sense and reason. Hence, the argument that people choose Hell by themselves fails and is unjust, since this own condemnation of conscience to an eternal Hell is forced upon the soul with feelings foreign to our current understanding. It is unjust to judge the soul or body separate from each other, or from an understanding different from common human reasoning that looks to its own well being.” (Cf.

Introibo wrote [quoting me]:What if this child was your own child? Surely, you would not want him to be damned, and you would wish there was hope. Think the same of others children then too, and do not evilly declare that damnation is “good” or “just”, because you would never have made such a judgment if you were God, hence, this position is evil, as you know.
Introibo answers but without actually answering my question: “NO, as I explained it is not unjust or evil. The punishment fits the crime. All you have is another appeal to pity. What if you had an 18 year old son who committed murder and was sentenced to be executed. You wouldn't want to see your son executed (or go to jail for life), but you would know THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME. Murderers deserve capital punishment, and they are always someone's son, father, etc. That doesn't make capital punishment or life in prison unjust. So what we want and what we deserve are two different things. Would I WANT my son executed? No. Does he deserve it and receive such a punishment? YES!! So would I if I murdered someone. So I have directly answered your “5 year old” argument. Sending ANYONE TO HELL FOR MORTAL SIN IS JUST REGARDLESS OF AGE.”

Response: Again, you did not answer my question as to what you would do to the damned if you were God or had the power over them, such as if God gave you permission to do what you want with them... What would you do? ANSWER!

Now as to what you wrote, your arguments is also not to the point, because simply executing them in this life or giving them a temporal punishment in this life is not the same as sending them to eternal torments or tormenting them forever in this life or in the next, because that is not the judges or the justices intention when executing someone, but rather, their intention is to execute justice, and not eternal damnation. So the argument that it is just to damn a 5 year old child only because it is just to execute someone, is fallacious and evil, and not to the point and it is also unjust, because the world and true justice would never torment evildoers always and for all eternity, but they rather let them live in human happiness in a prison, which is way more than what God does, and when they are executed, they are merely given over to the next life, not to eternal torments, but to a life in happiness, and that is why religion and priests are given to them so that they may die a good death and in a good conscience.

Besides, you are not only arguing for the death penalty in this life, but you actually say that someone who God rejects must be murdered in the next life for all eternity, and not only getting a death sentence in this life. Hence, in this world there is hope, for life continues in the next. But if someone where damned, this hope is removed for all eternity, and that is not the same as with merely executing someone, and they have no real relation except both kills someone, however, one just death was only temporal, the other unjust death or murder, eternal.

That is why the only just solution to this problem of unrepentant evildoers is that in the next life, a temporal prison is given them with the chance of parole and betterment. This is the only just solution, because eternal damnation in torment is evil, and that is also why both the world and the Church has distanced themselves from treating prisoners badly, as you know, for prisoners also are human beings capable of loving and converting and becoming good men again, hence that they are treated with human dignity and with love for their betterment.

Besides, how it is just to damn a 5 year old child to eternal torments, even according to you, if the child's only “crime” was shame to confess, for example, masturbation? Answer: It is not. And had you actually tried to implemented this law in a court of law that such a “sin” deserves eternal torments if someone died unrepentant, you would have been hated and despised by the world and even by most Christians, and lost your job, because everyone know that such an offense is not even in actuality sinful, except for a hypocritical lawgiver that sees it as an offense.

Concerning this I wrote the following in my previous article to you:

Jerome responded: “Rules more often then not is the cause and giver of sin, and not the fact that breaking a law is sinful in actuality when the breaking of it entails no evil to anyone, except for the dictatorial and hypocritical lawgiver, who seems to desire obedience above all else and not mercy and love. For example, if God gave us our will to live our life and have our free will, such as marrying a Protestant or a so-called “heretic” or a relative even if the Church condemned this, then no disobedience would have been enacted, and no “sin” been committed by be so-called guilty person. (Mixed marriages was not always approved by the Church, and marrying before in time against the will of the Church was an excommunicable “offense”, since such disobedience was deemed mortally sinful and damnable, even if you loved the spouse.) The same can be said about many other things, such as confessing our sins to a priest, which is an obligation in the Catholic Church under pain of mortal sin. But if someone were ashamed to confess their sin even though they felt sorrow, they would be damned, according to God's law, even if they were completely honest and good persons otherwise. Hence, it is God's law that creates sin, and not the persons itself, since marrying someone or being ashamed to confess, is not in itself a sin or evil (marrying is even love, as we know, so love is damnation?), but God has only decided to view it as “mortally sinful and damnable disobedience”, even though these are trifling matters in reality even according to the world's standards, since these acts are not judged sinful or as criminal on the earth. Rules, however, that is according to conscience, justice and our hearts, i.e., that is about doing good unto others and ourselves, are true laws and must be followed, but if someone failed to keep these laws, this is still no reason for eternally damning them! No, forgiveness and love must be open to everyone, even evil people, so that they too may have a chance to become good!” (Cf.

Also this:

Jerome wrote: “Besides, why don't God learn some humility? He felt offended? Well, don't we all get offended? God has no reason to damn someone forever just because he felt offended. Instead, man up God and tell this man or woman they did wrong, and then help them become better men and women again. Don't be an unjust fool and eternally damn them, because that is evil. You can give them a prison sentence, but do not eternally damn anyone. In truth, if you refuse to take your work seriously and do not forgive people their offenses, then let me do it and take your place, because I promise you to work for all eternity for bad people's conversion, even if they are evil, because I have hope that even they will and can become good again.” (Cf.

You wrote: “First, you always had a warped notion of sin thinking that everything was mortal sin, including married couples enjoying the marital act.”

Response: I already addressed the marital act issue in this way:

“What has been is different from what is now. But even so, no, I did not directly say the marital act was sinful, only that excess was sinful. But this “excess” judged by us was too much and we were wrong, and I was also brainwashed by my brother, but I have changed position now and when he moved out, I started to distance my self from his influence. That is the truth with my position, and now I embrace the teachings of Vatican II and Alphonsus on sexual activity.”

You wrote: “If the sin is MORTAL (really mortal, not your conception of it) and not confessed, you could be forgiven by an Act of Perfect Contrition if through human weakness you were ashamed to confess it.”

Response: But if you don't have a perfect act of contrition, you would still be damned, so what is your point? God still damns them, even if they are sorry (although, not sorry enough, according to God). Hence God damns people for nothing, and for merely being ashamed to confess a “sin” that they perhaps don't even commit anymore!, if now actual confession is a must, which it seems it is, at least, according to the teaching of the old pre-Vatican II Church. And besides, a perfect act of contrition is not even valid, unless you also have a will to confess, which many people don't who feel ashamed, hence that those of them would be damned anyway, even if they had a perfect act of contrition since it would be invalid without an actual will to go to confession. But according your stupid position that is also illogical, they should still be damned and this is “just” according to you, even though they are sorry and are not even criminals in any real sense. Do you understand now why I so often call your position stupid and retarded? It is because it damns good people that actually wants to become better but that are not perfect; and God is a dictator who damns people based on rules that does not even need to be followed. If God changed his ruler that are not sinful in themselves to break, more people would be saved.

Also, if God changed position on Hell, so would you. So the argument that Hell is “just” falls flat with this argument alone. God could not change position on murder or rape, for example, for that would be evil and even you would condemn God if he did that, but with Hell, it is different, for Hell is not a good or just doctrine in itself, but is actually evil; and that is why if God changed position on Hell and this was proven to you, you too would immediately change position – you blind, unjust and evil person!

You wrote: “God and Hitler are not the same. Hitler is a creature just like those he murdered. No one committed a crime for which they deserved death. God is not a creature, He is the INFINITELY PERFECT CREATOR. An offense that is committed against Him involves you choosing to be evil and embrace that evil. You don't want to be with God, so you have eternal separation as I explained above in my post. Therefore Hitler is a criminal, but not God. One is a mere creature, the other is the CREATOR. One is killing people because he hates them (Hitler), and ONE is giving people the EVIL THEY CHOSE. hitler's victims didn't choose to be be killed but the DAMNED CHOSE FREELY TO SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM GOD. Therefore, God is just, Hitler is not. There, I answered your questions Jerome, but you have not answered mine.””

Response: You say God and Hitler is not the same? False, we are all the same, and we all originated from God, and we were all created in his likeness, and besides, my argument was that they are the same in relation to the crimes they perpetuated or still perpetuates, because God, just like Hitler, damns innocent people who have made no real crimes except for transgression against his own will. That is not to say that damning criminals who are actually guilty of crimes to unbearable and unmerciful torments (as Hell actually is) is just, because it is not, but the argument is that God also damns people who are in actuality innocent because they have committed no real crimes, except for a possible transgression against God's own will! The same with Hitler, for the Jews also transgressed his will alone, and nothing else.

So yes, they are the same, but you are too dishonest to admit it. However, in a court of law, if a human acted like God and murdered innocent people that transgressed some rules like Hitler did, you would be forced to admit it, and then you cannot hide behind the argument that God is just, for provided a human is guilty of the same crimes as God is, you would readily condemn them, you hypocrite, dishonest and blind person! That is why you condemn Hitler, but if you were honest, you would also condemn God. Because God has no right to be a dictator, or to be exempt from the same rules that Hitler is judged by.


Response: No, God is not infinitely perfect. How can someone be perfect when he eternally murders souls that all could love, if only given the chance? There exists nothing more imperfect in all eternity than what God has done, and that is a fact. When all the damned converts and starts to love, you will see this truth for yourself, you blind person.


Response: Even if that is true, that is not an excuse to eternally damn them. And I have already addressed arguments of this kind several times, and I did so previously here on the quotes on damnation and why people may choose damnation, but what I explained was that this was not just, since people are judged unfairly, because they are judged without a body, and a human with a soul and body never wants to be separated from love or goodness, and they certainly don't want to live in torments as their life on earth abundantly proves, and not only that they seek happiness, but also that they seek love in this life, for even evil people do love others, although not everyone in the same way. Hence even the most evil people have chosen love in life to some extent, so love is not entirely foreign to them.

Therefore, it would be unjust for God to let them (the so called “damned”) live in torments even if they don't want to live with him, for it is understandable if people don't like God, since he evilly damns people and desires them evil. What I said was that someone else could be their God, or that they could live on earth in human happiness instead if we cannot get along, but I also stressed that I do believe Heaven even is for them and that we can get along, provided God only changes his evil laws of not forgiving them.

There, I answered your questions Jerome, but you have not answered mine.”

Response: That is a lie, even if you think you spoke truly (your conscience may excuse you, however). I have always answered every single arguments of yours, which is why I even go though everything you write point by point, but you, however, have done nothing of the sort, and you have even ignored most of my arguments and comments, and even my articles have you ignored almost completely, forcing me here to re-quote a lot of text and post it in your comment section even though it is hard to discuss in this way, which is why you have forced me to repeat myself and re-quote my questions and arguments that in your dishonesty, you avoided responding too, such as the question and argument that if you were God, you would not damn anyone, but rather seek to cure them and convert them, you dishonest person and avoider of questions and arguments.

You wrote: “If we all go to Heaven is it GOOD AND JUST for Hitler to share Heaven with St Francis of Assisi??”

Response: It is good and just to let Hitler go to Heaven and enjoy the kind of happiness he deserves (and are worthy to obtain further in Heaven (as we all are)), since in Heaven, I have prayed and demanded that there shall not be any laziness, but also more merit to gain, because who knows if there actually exists more evil God's somewhere outside of God's so called foreknowledge and they also damn humans, angels and souls, or even worse, animals and infants? Since this is possible and since it is evil to take a chance on this, therefore have I both commanded and demanded from them in Heaven that we must always be ready, and this means it is important for us to continue striving for the salvation of souls also in Heaven, so that other evil God's may not get away with damning our dear children.

You wrote: “How is it just for a mass murderer to get the same enjoyment as someone who lived an angelic life? How does this not lead to the inescapable conclusion that MORALITY DOES NOT MATTER. The Ten Commandments are merely suggestions that don't matter.”

Answer: Why are you so fixated on that it must or could be the same enjoyment? Are you so evil that you cannot see that this murderer is someone else's child too and that he is dearly loved by others? Hence, the argument how much happiness someone gains or deserves is irrelevant, provided we all are saved. No, instead, let us work in Heaven to become more worthy if we died less worthy. And let us always strive to become better person, even in Heaven.

And besides, I would not be jealous if a converted murderer that is now a good person enjoyed the same happiness as me or even a saint, for there is nothing wrong with this. But there will always exist differences anyway, because we will all have our own lovers and special happiness's in Heaven not available to others, because that is just how life works, as family life on earth shows abundantly how close we are to them but not to others, and those you have been more close to, you will have a more special relationship with than others. And this is life.

But even if someone is unrepentant in Heaven or is in a prison, happiness must still be given him (and who are you to judge if God or me or someone else wanted to give similar joys to those less worthy in order to do them good or incite them to become better? hence what others receive or feel in Heaven is none of your business really), for without happiness and love, conversion is almost impossible, and this only leads to hate, as Hell already proves abundantly. That is why there must exists a prison in Heaven for the unrepentant, so that they can see there is a life outside of this prison that awaits them, and that there are more loves and happiness's to find provided they are only interested.

You wrote: “Do you believe Jesus Christ is God? Why did He die for us? If there's no Hell, what did He save us from--if anything?”

Response: I already addressed this question in my article. Did you even read it? I wrote: “You ask what God saved us from? I answer. From his own selfishness in desiring humans to be like he desires us to be and the grave consequences if we failed, but this is not justice, but injustice.” (Cf.

I also responded thus:

“I will give you an answer from another article and person I spoke with. This is my answer:

Someone asked: “If there is no hell, Jesus came and died for nothing.” Jerome answered: God only died for the Saved according to his laws anyway, so yes, in a sense he died for nothing because Christ refused to be truly universal and he lets billions be lost, because they are “unworthy” his graces. Do you know what this might mean? That the true Christ perhaps is yet to come, if this other Christ was no the true Christ. Because why would a true God be selfish, and only apply salvation to those who are worthy according to himself? Salvation must be applied according to justice, and not on any personal motives. And according to justice, everyone is worthy of salvation, because everyone can love and become good and give love [but this is denied by God to ever happen in his evil Hell].” (Cf.

You asked: “Why can't God just forgive Original Sin?”

Response: Good question. I have wondered the same, and demanded that he do, and I received a response that he already has. So there will be no Limbo for the unbaptized. That is my faith and my belief, and in Heaven, you will see that we are right, since this is the only just position, otherwise, God would be a discriminator against them, and that is clearly unjust, and I won't let him be, but I will let him answer all my arguments about justice just like I do with you, and God will fall if he is unrepentant or obstinate.

You asked: “Is it fair to be punished with death for the sin of someone else? (Adam). The same false notion of justice would demand we never suffer at all for the sin of another. Why are we not just created in Heaven in the first place?”

Response: To this I will simply post my answer to your questions from my previous article since it already addresses your questions sufficiently:

Introibo wrote: “Under your idea of God, DEATH is immoral. Why are we being punished by physical death for someone else's (Adam's) sin? If God brings Hitler into Heaven, why not just forgive all of us and make us immortal without death? How can God let a five year old die, Jerome/ Why not just make us happy without the pains and sufferings of death?”

Jerome responds: Death is not so relevant on earth since life continues eternally in the next. Only what transpires in eternity, is really relevant, since justice cannot be had in this life to a full extent. But in an eternity and with the power of a just God that cannot be resisted, justice can be had. Hence that the next life is relevant more then this, because it is there that we will meet each other again and live in happiness and justice.

You ask why bring Hitler to Heaven? I answer: Because he can be or have already been converted. That is why. If he has not, let him remain in a prison or receive some punishment, or even be in Heaven, but not be so liked by everyone and not be welcomed everywhere until he has been converted truly, for then there is hope even for him. And when he finally converts and become just like you and me, then it was all worth it, wasn't it? Of course it was, because we are all brothers and sisters and we must not despise those who choose the wrong path in life, because we could have done it too! Hence that conversion and hope in others betterment is the real truth, and not eternal damnation which is actually evil.” (Cf.

You wrote: “When you don't understand and accept Catholic theology Jerome, you just go from one crazy heresy (Feeneyite) to another (Universalist) where beliefs and actions don't matter.”

Response: I already addressed this lie where you lie and claim I say actions does not matter. Actions do matter, but failing in life is not an excuse to eternally damn someone and never forgive them, as everyone who is but honest understands, because it is a better solution to have hope for the damned and let them live in a prison in Heaven with the possibility of parole, rather then always damning them, because when others no longer can get hurt in Heaven, except for the unrepentant themselves, then it only makes sense to forgive them when they have changed and started to love again, because then can we love them back, and they too have family and mothers and fathers that desires to love them too, and therefore, it is only just to forgive them and release them whenever they have been converted and become good, so that they may not disturb anyone.

This was my response to your previous claim where you also said that I do not believe actions matter:

Introibo wrote: “Wait Jerome--YOUR "God" doesn't think Hitler is bad or unjust! He's going to Heaven the same as St Francis of Assisi!!” (Ibid.)

Jerome responds: “False, I never said that, I never said Hitler was not unjust or bad, you unjust, blind dishonest person. How many times did I already mention Hitler was evil, unjust and bad in my articles and in the article you just read? Yet you lie or take me out of context or misunderstood something because either you have nothing honest to say, or you are just stupid and blind (which in fact you also are).

What I said was essentially this: If someone was evil and yet truly repented with sincerity and yet a God or even you would not forgive him, you would be evil and would be worse than even Hitler himself that chose love in the end, whereas you did not by not forgiving him, you evil man if you would not forgive him -- and for all eternity too?! Evil Hell, apostasy doctrine of true heresy from all love and justice for sure! And that is also why every reasonable person (like atheists and other people and religious of other faiths and even Christians who dislike Hell) do not like Hell or even contradicts it or condemns it!

Since you are so blind to conversion from evil and forgiveness and hope even in the afterlife because God has brainwashed you, let me remind you of what I wrote previously to other people about bad people converting and being saved so that you may not take me out of context anymore or misunderstand anything.”

This is what I have written, both about the devil, and Hitler:

“Why do you think Vatican II moves away from this evil doctrine of Hell and separation if not because they have started to accept true justice and the law of conscience which desires and wishes good upon everyone, including ourselves? No one deserves damnation, but everyone deserves something better than eternal torments and unhappiness, as even you know. For example, just think for yourself how lovable it would be if the Devil himself finally converted and become lovable and good and like a little child if he was only given the hope and opportunity to do so! That would be amazing and great!! The devil becoming our friend and lover from having been our enemy. What happiness!, what love!, what hope!! -- To have hope and to be able to be forgiven and loved always and for all eternity by everyone! But with the evil doctrine of an eternal Hell and unforgiveness, this hope would never happen and hence this doctrine is the most evil doctrine and thought to have ever existed or been created by anyone at anytime, God or man.” (Cf.


TraditionalCatholic asked: “How could Hitler be saved? Stalin?”

I responded: “You asked me how Hitler or Stalin (who is considered among the most evil people who have ever lived) could possible be saved? I answer: They can be saved and be happy and love and be loved and even be good examples for all eternity in the next life by henceforward always doing good and by having repented from their evil actions!

“And also, did you know that according to a doctrine even you accept, God waits to the last moment for a man's conversion? Hence, if they only changed their evil ways before death and accepted their wrongdoings and wanted to change their evil ways etc., God would have forgiven them and saved them, and if their sorrow was truly sincere and great, they would even have escaped purgatory. This is true Catholic doctrine which you cannot deny, yet you ask me how they could have been saved, as if you did not know this! TraditionalCatholic, stop being dishonest from henceforward, and see the arguments for what they are, i.e., that anyone is worthy of eternal forgiveness and love and happiness, for when they convert and change, it was always worth it, you see. For the same reason would you never give up on your own sick mother or father or child or sister or brother, but you would always hope, pray and work for their well being, and not give up on them. For the same reason then, never give up hope for those who died in God's displeasure, for even if this so-called God hates them and they hate God, we do not need to hate them (I certainly don't) and hence if we do, we will not be hated by them and therefore, we will more easier be accepted by them and share our love with them, which will not be rejected.

“You see, by being open to forgiveness, anyone can convert in due time, even if it takes eternity.! But this so-called God, in his evil faith on Hell and unforgiveness, denies this possibility. Hence, God has denied hope, i.e., the hope that the damned could convert (if it is now his belief that they never will). But since I believe in hope, I will always believe in hope, love and forgiveness for everyone and not deny it like a heretic as this so-called Catholic or Christian God does.

“In fact, what would be more beautiful to behold then to see someone evil like Hitler to truly repent in this life or even in the next and become good and loving and caring for others, even being a good example to others and of repentance and by doing good always henceforward and for all eternity too? If someone was evil and yet truly repented with sincerity and yet a God or even you would not forgive him, you would be evil and would be worse than even Hitler himself that chose love in the end, whereas you did not by not forgiving him, you evil man if you would not forgive him -- and for all eternity too?! Evil Hell, apostasy doctrine of true heresy from all love and justice for sure! And that is also why every reasonable person (like atheists and other people and religious of other faiths and even Christians who dislike Hell) do not like Hell or even contradicts it or condemns it!” (Cf. comment section of:


“If you could only see the damned being converted and being forgiven, and being saved from this torment and fire, you would cry of happiness and feelings of love and forgiveness and hope, and so would they. There are even children in Hell, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, neighbours etc. that all could live a better eternity, but is denied this by an evil God dictator.” (Cf.

So what I said is that salvation must be open to everyone, even Hitler or the Devil or anyone else, because provided one believes in conversation to goodness and never denies it, everyone can convert in due time however evil they have been, but this is denied in Heaven by God – and this is heretical.